Before I get started listing the toys that I employ, I would like to say that I can get you whatever you need. Techno-crane push in through the handle of a tea cup, no problem. Steadie-Cam stepping off a 100 foot dangling platform, I know a guy who knows a guy. You want everyone in your spot to look purple and speak martian, that too can be arranged. The film business is the problem solving business, and I've been solving problems for 14 years now. If you don't see it here, call me. We'll work it out.
-Cannon 60D DSLR
-2x Sony Z1u
-Zoom recorder for DSLR work
-wireless stic mic
-wireless lav mic
-wired lav mic
-KinoFlo 200 Diva Light x 2
Camera Support:
-9-20 foot portable Cambo jib arm with remote head.
-FCP Studio