
If you have any questions about the content on this site, or wish to contact me for work, please email me.

Edward Seaton currently runs, EverSeen Productions, located in Sonoma County, California.

If you'd like to see a complete library of my work please click here.


Edward Seaton

Career Objective:

Developing and implementing ‘New Media’ advertising campaigns using traditional storytelling techniques and new technology to help clients get better value for their marketing budgets.


• Specialist in ENG (electronic news gathering) documentary style cinematography, lighting techniques
• Skilled on Non-linear editing systems, Final Cut Pro (FCP) and AVID Editor
• ‘Social Media platforms’ and ‘New Media’ (video on line)
• Photoshop
• Wordpress, Drupal, basic HTML (web development)


• Aleve
• Clorox
• Coca Cola
• Leinenkugel's
• MacDonalds
• Marine Outboard Motors
• Meals on Wheels, Chicago
• Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
• SE Johnson
• Singha
• Chicago Blackhawks
• Chicago Cubs
• Crain's Chicago Business
• Leo Burnette
• JR
• Gertrude
• Draft/FCB


• Birthdate: February 14, 1976, Dual citizenship USA and UK
• Health: Excellent
• Marital status: Single